Do you Really Control Your Electric Bill or is it Contolling You?

Do You Really Control your Electric Bill or is it Controlling you?

by | on January 12, 2013

lower you Electic bill

lower you Electic bill

Most People are under the impression that they have control over their bill, or what they are being Charged. Well is this true? Have you heard about energy deregulation? That federal law says we as Americans can choose our energy products and pricing. The Monopolies still have us unless we take charge.

Electric Companies Across the nation are in control of us. The y deliver the Energy through there lines and we feel obligated to pay their top prices.

It is true! Why isĀ  it that only 30% of New Yorkers have tried another alternate energy supplier in the last 6 plus years? Same thing is happening in NH. Only 5% have made the move. Are customers scared that the energy Provider will be mad at them? The answeris No.

Your Electric bill is made up from 2 parts

1.Delivery Charges(services from the power plant to get you the energy).

2 Supply( KWH)this is the energy usage per Kilowatt hour.

The part that is deregulated is the Supply

Take control of your electric billĀ  NOW!