Online Marketing VS. Offline Marketing to Build Your Business

Online Marketing VS. Offline Marketing to Build Your Business

by  | on January 20, 2013

This is a controversial  conversation between Online marketing and Offline.  Most people said the old way of Offline Marketing was dead. The times when a home based business owner only had connection to a company through a hotel presentation, company event or home business party. The stigmatism of a cult community.

Since social media, sites like FaceBook, Twitter and Youtube, marketers have changed. Instead of going to home parties and Hotel meetings they have turned to webcasts, and recorded webcasts.

Social Media sites, Facebook,youtube,pintrest

Social Media sites, Facebook,youtube,pintrestrecorded videos.

I agree, change was inevitable.  The old paper flyers and DVD way to market was costly for one. Yet, top direct selling companies still thrive like Avon, Pampered Chef and Mary Kay. People have been very creative with special capture systems and videos. Google has opened the door to Ezine articles and Blogs. But, we have lost the sense of community and business loyalty, meanwhile. To combat this lose, we have used Youtube to try and put a face with the person behind the keyboard.

Business leaders have found and on going problem surging. Most people are thinking the internet can fulfill their business needs and give them a short cuts. Yes, sometimes the case with online marketing. You can reach out to people globally. But also attrition , I feel is hitting all companies hard. Just as you’re company going people get sidetracked easily with sharing links, false promises, new start up companies,tools,etc. You seem to see people jumping from Company to company.

I am one of the leaders that have turned to the internet to market, Youtube, social media,blogging, automated leads funnel  page Systems and other online tools. I believed that the hotel meetings were old school methods too. I may be caught in the middle.

Online Marketing

Online Marketing

Today, My company had  a Saturday training event. As I was welcomed at the door, I searched for a familiar face. It is difficult when only meeting online. People look different. But only after a while, I found my 8 guests, and team.

The energy, and sense of urgency was something that I have been missing for a while. I could feel my heart racing all day. Do you remember that feeling when you found your first company? The emotional roller coaster of hopes and dreams. Today was an life changing event. The bonds were built,teams and relationships were established and the enthusiasm growth was second to none. Also I could build and train a large group at a time,with ease. This video is the explanation to our New England Power Team A training, on how to build your team offline. Something that  online marketers have been missing. My new action plan is to mesh the proven old way Offline Marketing, with home meetings and Hotel presentations with the creativity of the Online Marketing.

  1. Gather leads  from internet marketing
  • craiglist ads
  • Facebook,Google,Youtube PPC(Pay per click advertising)
  • Automated team building system, unique capture pages,automatic emailing system
  • Autodialers( Leadnetpro)
  1. plug them into you offline system
  2. newspaper ads
  3. postcards
  4. call names
  5. invite guests to  PBR,(home meetings)
  6. Build from event to event
  7. rebuild the sense of community and company loyalty.

Specialized training from World Trainer/ and my mentor, Mark J. aree also available for personal growth.

  1. report builder
  2. most people skill
  3. 3 deep pattern
  4. accelerators
  5. Go90grow

If you are interested in this team building model call me and let’s, Grow Grow Grow!NAP Leaders

Duplication and team Building

Duplication and team Building

Henry Vigeant 603-740-0077 or get info NOW.

These actions will propel our business and team to the top. We have the online systems to reach out to thousands of potential business builders. Now,Once qualified business partners are on our team, offer them the new online systems and then teach  proven old school methods. to bond the reps and build a strong sustanible business team.New England Power Team Training

This entry was posted in Empower Network