The Truth about Energy Savings and Day Light Savings Time.

Rationale and original idea

Our children do not know the real reasons. In the Past they thought it would increase production by increaseing the time of a work day, thus also usind less energy. Is this a good Idea or not?

The main purpose of Daylight Saving Time (called “Summer Time” in many places in the world) is to make better use of daylight. We change our clocks during the summer months to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening. Countries have different change dates. Glide your cursor over the map to see how changing the clocks affects different latitudes.

If you live near the equator, day and night are nearly the same length (12 hours). But elsewhere on Earth, there is much more daylight in the summer than in the winter. The closer you live to the North or South Pole, the longer the period of daylight in the summer. Thus, Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) is usually not helpful in the tropics, and countries near the equator generally do not change their clocks.

A poll conducted by the U.S. Department of Transportation indicated that Americans liked Daylight Saving Time because “there is more light in the evenings / can do more in the evenings.” A 1976 survey of 2.7 million citizens in New South Wales, Australia, found 68% liked daylight saving. Indeed, some say that the primary reason that Daylight Saving Time is a part of many societies is simply because people like to enjoy long summer evenings, and that reasons such as energy conservation are merely rationalizations.

According to some sources, DST saves energy. Studies done by the U.S. Department of Transportation in 1975 showed that Daylight Saving Time trims the entire country’s electricity usage by a small but significant amount, about one percent each day, because less electricity is used for lighting and appliances. Similarly, in New Zealand, power companies have found that power usage decreases 3.5 percent when daylight savings start.. In the first week, peak evening consumption commonly drops around five percent.

The rationale behind the 1975 study of DST-related energy savings was that energy use and the demand for electricity for lighting homes is directly related to the times when people go to bed at night and rise in the morning. In the average home, 25 percent of electricity was used for lighting and small appliances, such as TVs and stereos. A good percentage of energy consumed by lighting and appliances occurred in the evening when families were home. By moving the clock ahead one hour, the amount of electricity consumed each day decreased.

In the summer, people who rose before the sun rises used more energy in the morning than if DST were not in effect. However, although 70 percent of Americans rose before 7:00 a.m., this waste of energy from having less sunlight in the morning was more than offset by the savings of energy that results from more sunlight in the evening.

In the winter, the afternoon Daylight Saving Time advantage is offset for many people and businesses by the morning’s need for more lighting. In spring and fall, the advantage is generally less than one hour. So, the rationale was that Daylight Saving Time saves energy for lighting in all seasons of the year, but it saves least during the four darkest months of winter (November, December, January, and February), when the afternoon advantage is offset by the need for lighting because of late sunrise.

In addition, less electricity was thought to be used because people are home fewer hours during the “longer” days of spring and summer. Most people plan outdoor activities in the extra daylight hours. When people are not at home, they don’t turn on the appliances and lights.

Although a 1976 report by the National Bureau of Standards disputed the 1975 U.S. Department of Transportation study, and found that DST-related energy savings were insignificant, the DOT study continued to influence decisions about Daylight Saving Time.

The argument in favor of saving energy swayed Indiana, where until 2005, only about 16 percent of counties observed Daylight Saving Time. Based on the DOT study, advocates of Indiana DST estimated that the state’s residents would save over $7 million in electricity costs each year. Now that Indiana has made the switch, however, researchers have found the opposite to be the case. Scientists from the University of California, Santa Barbara, compared energy usage over the course of three years in Indiana counties that switched from year-round Standard Time to DST. They found that Indianans actually spent $8.6 million more each year because of Daylight Saving Time, and increased emissions came with a social cost of between $1.6 million and $5.3 million per year. Commentators have theorized that the energy jump is due to the increased prevalence of home air conditioning over the past 40 years, in that more daylight toward the end of a summer’s day means that people are more likely to use their air conditioners when they come home from work.

However, the Indiana research findings don’t necessarily apply elsewhere. In cooler climates, for example, energy savings may well occur.

In addition, some argue that there is a public health benefit to Daylight Saving Time, as it decreases traffic accidents. Several studies in the U.S. and Great Britain have found that the DST daylight shift reduces net traffic accidents and fatalities by close to one percent. An increase in accidents in the dark mornings is more than offset by the evening decrease in accidents.

However, recent research indicates that pedestrian fatalities from cars soar at 6:00 p.m. during the weeks after clocks are set back in the fall. Walkers are three times as likely to be hit and killed by cars right after the switch than in the month before DST ends. Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University, who found a 186 percent jump in the risk of being killed by a car for every mile walked, speculate that drivers go through an adjustment period when dusk arrives earlier. Although the risk drops in the morning, because there are fewer pedestrians at 6:00 a.m., the lives saved in the morning don’t offset those lost in the evening.

This research corroborates a 2001 study by researchers at the University of Michigan, which found that 65 pedestrians were killed by car crashes in the week before DST ended, and 227 pedestrians were killed in the week following the end of DST.

There may also be an economic benefit to DST, as daylight evening hours encourage people to go out and shop, potentially spurring economic growth.

Idea of Daylight Saving Time

The idea of daylight saving was first conceived by Benjamin Franklin (portrait at right) during his sojourn as an American delegate in Paris in 1784, in an essay, “An Economical Project.” Read more about Franklin’s essay.

Some of Franklin’s friends, inventors of a new kind of oil lamp, were so taken by the scheme that they continued corresponding with Franklin even after he returned to America.

The idea was first advocated seriously by London builder William Willett (1857-1915) in the pamphlet, “Waste of Daylight” (1907), that proposed advancing clocks 20 minutes on each of four Sundays in April, and retarding them by the same amount on four Sundays in September. As he was taking an early morning a ride through Petts Wood, near Croydon, Willett was struck by the fact that the blinds of nearby houses were closed, even though the sun was fully risen. When questioned as to why he didn’t simply get up an hour earlier, Willett replied with typical British humor, “What?” In his pamphlet “The Waste of Daylight” he wrote:

“Everyone appreciates the long, light evenings. Everyone laments their shortage as Autumn approaches; and everyone has given utterance to regret that the clear, bright light of an early morning during Spring and Summer months is so seldom seen or used.”

Early British laws and lax observance

About one year after Willett began to advocate daylight saving (he spent a fortune lobbying), he attracted the attention of the authorities. Robert Pearce – later Sir Robert Pearce – introduced a bill in the House of Commons to make it compulsory to adjust the clocks. The bill was drafted in 1909 and introduced in Parliament several times, but it met with ridicule and opposition, especially from farming interests. Generally lampooned at the time, Willett died on March 4, 1915.

Following Germany’s lead, Britain passed an act on May 17, 1916, and Willett’s scheme of adding 80 minutes, in four separate movements was put in operation on the following Sunday, May 21, 1916. There was a storm of opposition, confusion, and prejudice. The Royal Meteorological Society insisted that Greenwich time would still be used to measure tides. The parks belonging to the Office of Works and the London County Council decided to close at dusk, which meant that they would be open an extra hour in the evening. Kew Gardens, on the other hand, ignored the daylight saving scheme and decided to close by the clock.

In Edinburgh, the confusion was even more marked, for the gun at the Castle was fired at 1:00 p.m. Summer Time, while the ball on the top of the Nelson monument on Calton Hill fell at 1:00 Greenwich Time. That arrangement was carried on for the benefit of seamen who could see it from the Firth of Forth. The time fixed for changing clocks was 2:00 a.m. on a Sunday.

There was a fair bit of opposition from the general public and from agricultural interests who wanted daylight in the morning, but Lord Balfour came forward with a unique concern:

“Supposing some unfortunate lady was confined with twins and one child was born 10 minutes before 1 o’clock. … the time of birth of the two children would be reversed. … Such an alteration might conceivably affect the property and titles in that House.

After World War I, Parliament passed several acts relating to Summer Time. In 1925, a law was enacted that Summer Time should begin on the day following the third Saturday in April (or one week earlier if that day was Easter Day). The date for closing of Summer Time was fixed for the day after the first Saturday in October.

The energy saving benefits of Summer Time were recognized during World War II, when clocks in Britain were put two hours ahead of GMT during the summer. This became known as Double Summer Time. During the war, clocks remained one hour ahead of GMT throughout the winter.

5 Leads a Day Calling Me with Push Button PowerLeads System

I have a good story.

There is 2 guys, both joined the same company. One guy has nobody to contact and talk to, so he surfs the internet with no results. In the mean time he ignores his family and work his business way too many hours with no results.cropped-14945_3661823642907_997846258_n.jpg

The other guy uses skills to build his business. With these skill most of the people he speaks with say yes to reviewing the information about his business.

he finds himself a top recruiter. He also uses so specialized tools. He stated off with Scrappers and auto dialer, such as Phone Broadcast club , then Lead net Pro.

Both of them were good systems but cost a great deal of time to use and cost to call was high.

Now he uses Push Button Power Leads.  The cost to get this system is $297. and he  gets 100 to 200 quailified leads per month calling him.

You can also earn $200 for every sale.

The reason I know this information is: That is me!

I always have leads coming in.

This system is so easy to set up. With in 24 hours the phone will be ringing.

The buzz is out and people are jumping on this.

Call me for more information.

Henry Vigeant 603-740-0077

Go90Grow is helping average people in MLM crush it

I’m sure you’ve seen all the experts.
Guru’s and systems online about “how to

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich

succeed in MLM.”

What you’ve never really seen is
me really recommending anything.

I’m highly recommending you view this

Free Video!

The reason I don’t pass things along
is they don’t really work for the average guy
or gal if they work at all.

And they are expensive.

Much of my success has come because I met a
7-figure earner Mark Januszewski and
he shared his stuff with me.

Turns out he was just an average guy,
delivering seafood for a living.
He discovered something remarkable and has
helped lots of little guys and gals,
just like himself, making it big in networking.

Finally, Mark has put it all up in a free video series.
He went from bankrupt in Boston to
living beachfront in Kauai, HI.

Go watch the Go90Grow video now:

One more thing: enter your best email
when you get there so you can
also get the next 2 videos
and learn these money making skills.

And all 3 videos are free.
Go90grow is about going with some very cool skills
for 90 days and growing faster than you were.
A lot faster.  Sort of like that crazy P90X
fitness program.
Henry Vigeant

PS Mark Januszewski [also known
as ‘The World’s Laziest Networker”]
just finished something that’s never been done in
networking history.
A couple of former Go90Grow members started
cranking it big time with their company.

It got that $30,000,000 company’s attention,
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He was hired as a consultant and helped
standardized all the training.
The company was so impressed by
Go90Grow they’ve made this series available
to every rep they have.

Results?  That company grew 163%
in the last 12 months.  Remarkable.

While everyone claims to ‘know how’
and wants you to buy their secrets
none of them ever produce the
proof – and the proof is in the
print out.   163% if proof that this
guy is no ‘self annionted expert but
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to train an entire company?   Nope.

Well, now you have.

Average people are getting above
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So did I and so can you.

Get Free Videos Now

Energy Customers

Energy Customers

North American Power

North American

Deregulation - Who Can Benefit?

Energy Deregulation – Who Can Benefit?

North American Power
North American Power

ry Our Risk Free 
Energy Savings

Almost all consumers of power in deregulated markets can benefit from the deregulation of the electricity and natural gas supply markets. Beyond this generalization, the minutiae of the process involved in actually realizing meaningful savings can be very complex. This is because the system and policies governing deregulation sometimes lag behind legislative action to deregulate. In other words, laws are ratified, but it usually takes some time for people to figure out the details and how to operate correctly within the newly-created boundaries of law and practice. Also, deregulation does pertain in some way to regulated utilities. This means that municipal utilities, electric cooperatives, and similar government-owned utilities are often excluded or do not have the jurisdiction to participate in a deregulated marketplace. This makes for a very complex situation in some states when some customers separated by a few blocks can have vastly different prices for power and opportunities for savings. North American Power specializes in finding ways for our customers to make the most out of whatever opportunities may be available.

Request Information  North American Power featured on WNBC New York

How Do I Find Out?

First, make sure you are in a deregulated state. Since deregulation is implemented at the state level many states are at different stages of the deregulation process. The states indicated on the list to the left have begun and/or have implemented deregulation. The links below are the states in which North American Power can currently provide electricity supply services.

North American Power can provide natural gas supply  in nearly all states soon. North American Power is providing electricity supply consulting and brokerage service in the following deregulated states.

  1. Connecticut                                                    find_your_state
  2. New Hampshire
  3. New York
  4. New Jersey
  5. Pennsylvania
  6. Maryland
  7. Ohio
  8. Illinois

Coming Soon!

  1. Maine
  2. Massachusetts
  3. Rhode Island
  4. Georgia
  5. Texas
  6. Delaware

If you are in a deregulated state get your energy rate analysis and make an appointment for a consultation with a North American Power professional.

Henry Vigeant

Get your news letter today!

Power Team New England 1-603-740-0077

North American Power Career Opportunity

North American Power Career Opportunity

Join North American Power Today!

North American Power renewable energy

North American Power renewable energy


North American PowerJoin Today!

North American Power
Join Today!

When our founders Kerry Breitbart and Carey Turnbull, two of the most seasoned and successful energy executives in the United States, started North American Power they did so with one thing in mind: Great things happen when you give individuals the power to change the world around them. It’s a simple idea but it’s powerful too. Powerful enough to take us from a few passionate people in a 700 sq. ft. sublet, to a leader in providing individuals with the ability to embrace their financial futures. All by allowing them to tap into a resource that everybody uses every single day. Energy. Simply by offering competitive rates to electric and gas customers, we’ve managed to offer much needed relief to hundreds of thousands of families, saving millions of dollars in a time of economic uncertainty. But, that’s only the beginning.  Our innovative customer referral program has turned thousands of people into entrepreneurs by giving them the products and tools to make a real financial impact in their lives and the lives of their families and communities. And, every one of our products helps protect the environment by funding renewable energy and carbon offsets as well as giving to charitable

organizatios across the globe. We call that Power For Change. Join Us



Here’s what attracted us to this opportunity:

  1. It’s simple. Every single household needs it. No convincing required. In most cases, you can save people money over their current energy bill. When you can, it’s a no brainer. When you can’t, just move on – you don’t waste time on sales you’ll never make.
  2. Reorders, every month. Unlike nutritional supplements or legal plans or fancy cosmetics, this is the very last expense that people will drop when money gets tight.
  3. You earn money up front, as well as attractive and reliable residuals.
  4. Green energy for only slightly more than conventional. You appeal to people’s environmental consciousness while still saving them money.
  5. All the work is done by phone and online – you never have to meet customers in person – unless, of course, you want to!
  6. Sell anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you don’t live in a deregulated area – neither do we! There are many high-level leaders in the company who live in states that aren’t even deregulated.

For more information call Henry Vigeant at 603-740-0077

Testimonals working with Henry Vigeant

Testimonals working with Henry Vigeant

Here are some real testimonials About: Joining Henry Vigeant. I Consistantly have a goal to help other meet their goals and earn with

Cheryl VanOrnum

, CEO/Founder, (business partner)
was with another company when working with you


“Henry is a dynamic man who is constantly achieving his goals! I have had the pleasure to work with Henry not only as a teammate but he has also mentored me. He has integrity and can help you reach your goals in every area of your life! Henry is a great guy to have in your circle of influence!!” June 1, 2011

Mark Januszewski

, Owner, Training Solutions ! (business partner)
was with another company when working with you

“In 18 years [as of 2010] of working from home I have met no one more disiplined than Henry. Extrodinary work ethic, skills sets and his business ethics are second to none. Additionally, Henry is internet savvy, far ahead of the curve. He’s innovative, creative and consistent. While all these things are important, the thing I value most about Henry is his word. He says what he means and means what he says. In the 12 years I have known Henry he has always under promised and over delivered. When he gives his word, you can bank it. Mark Januszewski” June 11, 2010


Anderson, Jesse & ZioJesse Anderson & his new Zio Android fone!

Hello Henry,
I just wanted you to know that I am so happy with my new ZIO PHONE by Sanyo.

Since I made the switch from Cricket to Lightyear Wireless, I have noticed that the data download time is FASTER with my new ZIO from Lightyear Wireless!

Thank you so much,

Jesse Anderson
With Free Wireless
Phoenix, AZ
May the power of your beliefs assist you in all that you strive for in this life.


Miles, Stephen & ZioStephen Miles & his new Zio Android fone!

Prior to my service with Lightyear, I was on a month-to-month plan with Verizon brought about by allowing my last contract to expire in 2007 and not upgrading or purchasing a new phone.  Starting in 2003, Verizon billed me $102.32 month for 450 minutes of talk, text, Email, and Web for Blackberry, and there were times when those numbers were exceeded, resulting in higher charges.  Needless to say, for those months when the allotted minutes were unused, they didn’t rollover and my bill was not reduced.

Even with the cost of my new Sanyo Zio and 4 months of service at this writing, I’ve paid Lightyear $362.20, while Verizon would have billed me $409.28 over the same period.  Consider that my $59.99 service is free because I got 3 customers:  I only pay $4.19 in tax each month, for unlimited service!

My Sanyo Zio is very lightweight.  Talking on it makes it seem as though the other party is next to me.  It has great battery life, an awesome touch-screen, a great camera, many free applications, downloads web pages fast (love watching short videos on it), and the Zio has many other features that I haven’t even explored.  It is absolutely awesome talking about Lightyear and having the ability to demo my phone.

I am ecstatic after having ported my service to Lightyear and equally happy to have been presented such an awesome business opportunity.  There is much wisdom in “don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”  So, join Lightyear today as a Rep or Customer and reduce your cell phone costs.  Remember, we make a living by what we get.  We make a life by what we give.

L. Stephen Miles
Englewood, New Jersey
By way of Baton Rouge, LA


Bob Ullman & his Palm TreoBob Ullman & his Palm Treo

This is Bob Ullman from Nashua NH.

I am real happy with my free Lightyear service.  I canceled my $100 a month contract with Sprint (which gave me only 450 land minutes), because I referred 3 in my first month and now have unlimited calls, data and text for free.

The quality of the reception and data are superb and I highly recommend Lightyear Wireless!

Bob Ullman
Nashua, NH


Artie Leonard & his credits for free wireless service!Artie & his double-free wireless!
Artie Leonard & his new LG Optimus AndroidArtie Leonard & his new LG Optimus Android

I am am saving $921.60 this year by switching to Lightyear Wireless.  The reception is great and I have NO minute restrictions or data cap like before!

Just got this phone for $200 less than it sells for at BestBuy.

Artie Leonard
Lakeville, MA

And here is me. I was trained by the best. It is time for me to train you!

Henry Vigeant & his new Zio & free credits!Henry Vigeant & his new Zio Android fone & free credits!

I am sharing with you my excitement.  As a long-time Verizon customer, paying $162 each month, I’m saving $1944.00 each year.  My family used this savings to have a wonderful Florida Vacation this year.

I am excited each and every day to use my Kyocero Zio.  As a Lightyear Rep we can save and get paid for something we have been doing our whole life, just like a good book or movie.  Just save people money on a bill they already pay!

Henry Vigeant Call me today! 1-603-740-0077
Ex-Vice President
Happy Lightyear Wireless Customer
Dover, Nh


North American Power is Empowering New Hampshire Energy Customers.

North American Power is Empowering New Hampshire Energy Customers.

by  | on December 28, 2012

North American Power    is Empowering New Hampshire Energy Customers.North American Power



December 10th,2012 North American Power is officially a licensed,authorized PSNH (Public Service of New Hampshire) energy supplier. Giving Customers a choice on:

Who will they purchase energy from?

What kind of price to pay?

What king of energy is used?

Here is a video from WNBC News in New York giving insight to consumers.



Who are the top 3 Suppliers in NH,and the rates?

North American Power is offering 4 product choices.

North American Power

$50 to try before 2013


Variable 7.29¢
per kWh
Fixed – 6 monthsOur best seller. Lock in a guaranteed rate for 6 months that’s below PSNH’s proposed January through June rates.


Variable 7.59¢
per kWh
Variable – 25% RenewableEnjoy great rates and complete flexibility. There is no cost to switch and no cost to cancel.


100%greenelectric™ why pay more

Variable 9.24¢
per kWh
Fixed – 6 monthsMake a big difference. 100% Renewable Energy from sources like Wind, Solar, Hydro


Variable 9.54¢
per kWh
Variable – 100% RenewableMake a big difference. 100% Renewable Energy from sources like Wind, Solar, Hydro

PSNH( Public Service of New Hampshire

8.97 cents KWH

ENH Power

Now offers three products!


Low Fixed Prime Rate $.0699/kWh

By enrolling with our Prime rate product of $.0699 per kWh, you will receive a fixed rate on your electricity supply that is lower than the current Default Service rate you are now paying through your utility. You will also be supporting the purchase of energy that is 70% cleaner than the Default Service and promoting a competitive marketplace which is helping to keep supply rates lower for everyone.

Coal Free Energy $.0799/kWh

Our Coal Free product allows you the opportunity to purchase cleaner Coal Free energy at a fixed rate of $.0799 per kWh Click to learn more.

Pure Green Energy $.0899/kWh

Our Pure Green product allows for the purchase of 100% Green Power electricity supply at a fixed rate of $.0899 per kWh Click to learn more.

What kind of energy is being used?

This is an Eye opener. If you can be shown a way to save money and help the enviroment would you? it is a simple question. In the past Green energy cost to produce was just toohigh. That has all changed

Power Sources

NAP mix                      PSNH mix                    N.E mix

  1. Biomass           .6%                                   .4%                           .8%
  2. coal                   6.2%                                 44.5%                     8.3%
  3. diesel                1.8%                                 0.0%                       2.4%
  4. Maine fuel cell .1%                                  0.0%                       .1%
  5. hydro                29.2%                             12.7%                       7.1%
  6. Jet                     3.0%                               1.9%                         4.0%
  7. landfill gas       .4%                                   .05%                         .5%
  8. Solid waste      .8%                                   1.3%                        1.1%
  9. Natural Gas    31.7%                                21%                         42.3%
  10. nuclear             21,2%                              13.1%                       28.2%
  11. oil                      1.1%                                 2.8%                         1.5%
  12. solar photovoltaic 0%                              .1%                            .1%
  13. trash to energy   1,3%                             0%                            1.8%
  14. wind                     1.6%                             1.1%                          .7%
  15. wood                     .9%                              .7%                            1.2%

For More information call Henry Vigeant


cell 1-603-988-5057



This entry was posted in Empower Network

Energy Deregulation will be bigger than the Internet

Energy Deregulation will be bigger than the Internet

by  | on December 29, 2012

Daily Caller News Foundation

Jack Welch: Energy deregulation will be ‘bigger than the Internet’

6:42 PM 11/05/2012

Jack Welch is making headlines again, this time saying that removing regulatory barriers to the oil and natural gas boom will be “bigger than the Internet” for the economy.

“The regulatory wall is a huge deal. It’s equal in my opinion to what happens in the marketplace as the fiscal cliff,” Welch told CNBC. “The regulatory wall is obviously right in front of you.”

“An energy rich America… it will be bigger than the Internet was, and we’re only in the first inning,” Welch said. “It is the oxygen that makes an economy breath.”

According to Welch, removing regulatory barriers to the oil and natural gas boom is just as important as addressing the coming fiscal cliff problem at the end of this year.

“We have a chance in this country to make this the American century,” Welch continued. “This gas thing is huge. The gas that we have found is in the first inning — it’s like the Internet in 1990.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Citigroup economists estimated that increased domestic oil and gas production, would create as many as 3.6 million new jobs by 2020 and increase economic output by more than three percent.

Furthermore, an IHS Global Insights study found that jobs created by unconventional oil and gas production “tend to be high quality and high paying, given the technologically innovative nature of unconventional oil and gas activity” and generate more than $61 billion in revenues for federal and state governments this year alone.

States like Pennsylvania and West Virginia have welcomed increased natural gas and oil exploration through d horizontal drilling and have greatly benefited in terms of jobs — 240,000 jobs related to oil and natural gas extraction, say state officials.

Read more:

If you want more information About New Hampshire Energy Deregulation and how to become a customer, contact Henry Vigeant.

The Key to growth in MLM: Find a Mentor like Mark Janusewski, Learn critical skills, and follow them closely..

The Key to growth in MLM: Find a Mentor like Mark Janusewski, Learn critical skills, and follow them closely..

by  | on December 30, 2012

I am going back in time to Hampton NH. In 1997. I was currently employed as seafood warehouse manager. My old friend Rich invited me to come to a business meeting at his home. If my memory recounts me, a bit disorganized.  The company was Market America. I saw a nutritional company with a flagship weight lose product. My mind instantly went into selling mode. That is everyone’s nature. “this is too easy, my friends and I thought.”

Well we all know what came next right?   Failure!! We thought 3 uneducated guys from Salisbury beach could change our destiny from mastering a flip chart, showing the plan to other reps  and going door to door… As I look back it was  ludicrous. Guess what happened next? Well, we duplicated wrong, waited for others to do it, and never received proper training. We started making excuses, blaming the company, and then  turning blame on each other. We can chalk that one up as Failure number 1, loss of $1000. I want everyone to under stand Market America did not fail me. The one thing that got out of that was a friendship from a real winner, Logo.

Mark Janusewski

Mark Janusewski

Mark was the top trainer in that company of 80k reps. Did I follow his advice? No!!! I was young, stupid and naive . But I never forgot him as a leader….

Let us fast forward 1o years. The same two friends approached  me about a new concept business. Does this sound familiar? Lol. Guess what happens next?  You got that right. lose of more friends. another $1000 and time. Although ACNwas another good company, I blamed them and moved on. While still in the company, I asked Randy,”do you know Mark Januszewski and his contact information?” Of course he said no.. He knew I was going to leave the company.

That was it. My burning desire to succeed was back. I had to find him. After digging around I found him. We sat in a  Dunkin Donuts. I knew the pitch was coming. He would never steer me away from what I have. Well he did folks. Mark uses years of training talking to your sub conscience mind. I found my had nodding yes the whole time. Yes, I joined him. Abandoned my friends in ACN, to attach myself to a leader.

For the next 2 years I did everything mark instructed me to. He is not easy. Some people even do not like him as a teacher. “He is too hard. We do not like that way of marketing.” All those people as the same. They are in denial, and not very successful.

Mark taught me from the ground up.

  1. DMP( Definite Major Purpose) Goal
  2. Accountability
  3. schedule ( how many real hours are you building your business)
  4. calls. 3-ways
  5. Skills: rapport builder,most people skill.
  6. Self development: MKMMA(26 week course for me, not the company).
  7. social media skills, blogging, online presence, and Youtube.

Mark now lives his dream in Hawaii. That was all he ever talked about. Although we are in a different company,we are still friends. More than that, I will never forget and pass on his legacy to others. Mark trains people across the world now, GO90Grow.  If you want to meet him go to

Today is Dec 2012. Here I am on the forefront of greatness, because of Mark. Thank you Mark. You are always my father to me. Love Henry.

Well this story is coming to and end, but not your career, nor mine. I have the vehicle to get me to my dreams,the knowledge and the fuel. Call me and I will give you the most people skill. This is the first skill that changed my path. If you really want a change your path ask me to mentor you. It would be an honor to pass on a legacy…

Henry Vigeant

Henry Vigeant

Online Marketing VS. Offline Marketing to Build Your Business

Online Marketing VS. Offline Marketing to Build Your Business

by  | on January 20, 2013

This is a controversial  conversation between Online marketing and Offline.  Most people said the old way of Offline Marketing was dead. The times when a home based business owner only had connection to a company through a hotel presentation, company event or home business party. The stigmatism of a cult community.

Since social media, sites like FaceBook, Twitter and Youtube, marketers have changed. Instead of going to home parties and Hotel meetings they have turned to webcasts, and recorded webcasts.

Social Media sites, Facebook,youtube,pintrest

Social Media sites, Facebook,youtube,pintrestrecorded videos.

I agree, change was inevitable.  The old paper flyers and DVD way to market was costly for one. Yet, top direct selling companies still thrive like Avon, Pampered Chef and Mary Kay. People have been very creative with special capture systems and videos. Google has opened the door to Ezine articles and Blogs. But, we have lost the sense of community and business loyalty, meanwhile. To combat this lose, we have used Youtube to try and put a face with the person behind the keyboard.

Business leaders have found and on going problem surging. Most people are thinking the internet can fulfill their business needs and give them a short cuts. Yes, sometimes the case with online marketing. You can reach out to people globally. But also attrition , I feel is hitting all companies hard. Just as you’re company going people get sidetracked easily with sharing links, false promises, new start up companies,tools,etc. You seem to see people jumping from Company to company.

I am one of the leaders that have turned to the internet to market, Youtube, social media,blogging, automated leads funnel  page Systems and other online tools. I believed that the hotel meetings were old school methods too. I may be caught in the middle.

Online Marketing

Online Marketing

Today, My company had  a Saturday training event. As I was welcomed at the door, I searched for a familiar face. It is difficult when only meeting online. People look different. But only after a while, I found my 8 guests, and team.

The energy, and sense of urgency was something that I have been missing for a while. I could feel my heart racing all day. Do you remember that feeling when you found your first company? The emotional roller coaster of hopes and dreams. Today was an life changing event. The bonds were built,teams and relationships were established and the enthusiasm growth was second to none. Also I could build and train a large group at a time,with ease. This video is the explanation to our New England Power Team A training, on how to build your team offline. Something that  online marketers have been missing. My new action plan is to mesh the proven old way Offline Marketing, with home meetings and Hotel presentations with the creativity of the Online Marketing.

  1. Gather leads  from internet marketing
  • craiglist ads
  • Facebook,Google,Youtube PPC(Pay per click advertising)
  • Automated team building system, unique capture pages,automatic emailing system
  • Autodialers( Leadnetpro)
  1. plug them into you offline system
  2. newspaper ads
  3. postcards
  4. call names
  5. invite guests to  PBR,(home meetings)
  6. Build from event to event
  7. rebuild the sense of community and company loyalty.

Specialized training from World Trainer/ and my mentor, Mark J. aree also available for personal growth.

  1. report builder
  2. most people skill
  3. 3 deep pattern
  4. accelerators
  5. Go90grow

If you are interested in this team building model call me and let’s, Grow Grow Grow!NAP Leaders

Duplication and team Building

Duplication and team Building

Henry Vigeant 603-740-0077 or get info NOW.

These actions will propel our business and team to the top. We have the online systems to reach out to thousands of potential business builders. Now,Once qualified business partners are on our team, offer them the new online systems and then teach  proven old school methods. to bond the reps and build a strong sustanible business team.New England Power Team Training

This entry was posted in Empower Network