Go90Grow is helping average people in MLM crush it

I’m sure you’ve seen all the experts.
Guru’s and systems online about “how to

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich

succeed in MLM.”

What you’ve never really seen is
me really recommending anything.

I’m highly recommending you view this

Free Video!

The reason I don’t pass things along
is they don’t really work for the average guy
or gal if they work at all.

And they are expensive.

Much of my success has come because I met a
7-figure earner Mark Januszewski and
he shared his stuff with me.

Turns out he was just an average guy,
delivering seafood for a living.
He discovered something remarkable and has
helped lots of little guys and gals,
just like himself, making it big in networking.

Finally, Mark has put it all up in a free video series.
He went from bankrupt in Boston to
living beachfront in Kauai, HI.

Go watch the Go90Grow video now:

One more thing: enter your best email
when you get there so you can
also get the next 2 videos
and learn these money making skills.

And all 3 videos are free.
Go90grow is about going with some very cool skills
for 90 days and growing faster than you were.
A lot faster.  Sort of like that crazy P90X
fitness program.
Henry Vigeant

PS Mark Januszewski [also known
as ‘The World’s Laziest Networker”]
just finished something that’s never been done in
networking history.
A couple of former Go90Grow members started
cranking it big time with their company.

It got that $30,000,000 company’s attention,
and led them back to Mark.
He was hired as a consultant and helped
standardized all the training.
The company was so impressed by
Go90Grow they’ve made this series available
to every rep they have.

Results?  That company grew 163%
in the last 12 months.  Remarkable.

While everyone claims to ‘know how’
and wants you to buy their secrets
none of them ever produce the
proof – and the proof is in the
print out.   163% if proof that this
guy is no ‘self annionted expert but
someone who stands alone.  Ever
hear any of the ‘gurus’ being hired
to train an entire company?   Nope.

Well, now you have.

Average people are getting above
average results in less than 90 days.

So did I and so can you.

Get Free Videos Now

Testimonals working with Henry Vigeant

Testimonals working with Henry Vigeant

Here are some real testimonials About: Joining Henry Vigeant. I Consistantly have a goal to help other meet their goals and earn with

Cheryl VanOrnum

, CEO/Founder, SocialMediaFarmer.com (business partner)
was with another company when working with you


“Henry is a dynamic man who is constantly achieving his goals! I have had the pleasure to work with Henry not only as a teammate but he has also mentored me. He has integrity and can help you reach your goals in every area of your life! Henry is a great guy to have in your circle of influence!!” June 1, 2011

Mark Januszewski

, Owner, Training Solutions ! (business partner)
was with another company when working with you

“In 18 years [as of 2010] of working from home I have met no one more disiplined than Henry. Extrodinary work ethic, skills sets and his business ethics are second to none. Additionally, Henry is internet savvy, far ahead of the curve. He’s innovative, creative and consistent. While all these things are important, the thing I value most about Henry is his word. He says what he means and means what he says. In the 12 years I have known Henry he has always under promised and over delivered. When he gives his word, you can bank it. Mark Januszewski” June 11, 2010


Anderson, Jesse & ZioJesse Anderson & his new Zio Android fone!

Hello Henry,
I just wanted you to know that I am so happy with my new ZIO PHONE by Sanyo.

Since I made the switch from Cricket to Lightyear Wireless, I have noticed that the data download time is FASTER with my new ZIO from Lightyear Wireless!

Thank you so much,

Jesse Anderson
With Free Wireless
Phoenix, AZ
May the power of your beliefs assist you in all that you strive for in this life.


Miles, Stephen & ZioStephen Miles & his new Zio Android fone!

Prior to my service with Lightyear, I was on a month-to-month plan with Verizon brought about by allowing my last contract to expire in 2007 and not upgrading or purchasing a new phone.  Starting in 2003, Verizon billed me $102.32 month for 450 minutes of talk, text, Email, and Web for Blackberry, and there were times when those numbers were exceeded, resulting in higher charges.  Needless to say, for those months when the allotted minutes were unused, they didn’t rollover and my bill was not reduced.

Even with the cost of my new Sanyo Zio and 4 months of service at this writing, I’ve paid Lightyear $362.20, while Verizon would have billed me $409.28 over the same period.  Consider that my $59.99 service is free because I got 3 customers:  I only pay $4.19 in tax each month, for unlimited service!

My Sanyo Zio is very lightweight.  Talking on it makes it seem as though the other party is next to me.  It has great battery life, an awesome touch-screen, a great camera, many free applications, downloads web pages fast (love watching short videos on it), and the Zio has many other features that I haven’t even explored.  It is absolutely awesome talking about Lightyear and having the ability to demo my phone.

I am ecstatic after having ported my service to Lightyear and equally happy to have been presented such an awesome business opportunity.  There is much wisdom in “don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”  So, join Lightyear today as a Rep or Customer and reduce your cell phone costs.  Remember, we make a living by what we get.  We make a life by what we give.

L. Stephen Miles
Englewood, New Jersey
By way of Baton Rouge, LA


Bob Ullman & his Palm TreoBob Ullman & his Palm Treo

This is Bob Ullman from Nashua NH.

I am real happy with my free Lightyear service.  I canceled my $100 a month contract with Sprint (which gave me only 450 land minutes), because I referred 3 in my first month and now have unlimited calls, data and text for free.

The quality of the reception and data are superb and I highly recommend Lightyear Wireless!

Bob Ullman
Nashua, NH


Artie Leonard & his credits for free wireless service!Artie & his double-free wireless!
Artie Leonard & his new LG Optimus AndroidArtie Leonard & his new LG Optimus Android

I am am saving $921.60 this year by switching to Lightyear Wireless.  The reception is great and I have NO minute restrictions or data cap like before!

Just got this phone for $200 less than it sells for at BestBuy.

Artie Leonard
Lakeville, MA

And here is me. I was trained by the best. It is time for me to train you!

Henry Vigeant & his new Zio & free credits!Henry Vigeant & his new Zio Android fone & free credits!

I am sharing with you my excitement.  As a long-time Verizon customer, paying $162 each month, I’m saving $1944.00 each year.  My family used this savings to have a wonderful Florida Vacation this year.

I am excited each and every day to use my Kyocero Zio.  As a Lightyear Rep we can save and get paid for something we have been doing our whole life, just like a good book or movie.  Just save people money on a bill they already pay!

Henry Vigeant Call me today! 1-603-740-0077
Ex-Vice President
Happy Lightyear Wireless Customer
Dover, Nh


The Key to growth in MLM: Find a Mentor like Mark Janusewski, Learn critical skills, and follow them closely..

The Key to growth in MLM: Find a Mentor like Mark Janusewski, Learn critical skills, and follow them closely..

by  | on December 30, 2012

I am going back in time to Hampton NH. In 1997. I was currently employed as seafood warehouse manager. My old friend Rich invited me to come to a business meeting at his home. If my memory recounts me, a bit disorganized.  The company was Market America. I saw a nutritional company with a flagship weight lose product. My mind instantly went into selling mode. That is everyone’s nature. “this is too easy, my friends and I thought.”

Well we all know what came next right?   Failure!! We thought 3 uneducated guys from Salisbury beach could change our destiny from mastering a flip chart, showing the plan to other reps  and going door to door… As I look back it was  ludicrous. Guess what happened next? Well, we duplicated wrong, waited for others to do it, and never received proper training. We started making excuses, blaming the company, and then  turning blame on each other. We can chalk that one up as Failure number 1, loss of $1000. I want everyone to under stand Market America did not fail me. The one thing that got out of that was a friendship from a real winner, Logo.

Mark Janusewski

Mark Janusewski

Mark was the top trainer in that company of 80k reps. Did I follow his advice? No!!! I was young, stupid and naive . But I never forgot him as a leader….

Let us fast forward 1o years. The same two friends approached  me about a new concept business. Does this sound familiar? Lol. Guess what happens next?  You got that right. lose of more friends. another $1000 and time. Although ACNwas another good company, I blamed them and moved on. While still in the company, I asked Randy,”do you know Mark Januszewski and his contact information?” Of course he said no.. He knew I was going to leave the company.

That was it. My burning desire to succeed was back. I had to find him. After digging around I found him. We sat in a  Dunkin Donuts. I knew the pitch was coming. He would never steer me away from what I have. Well he did folks. Mark uses years of training talking to your sub conscience mind. I found my had nodding yes the whole time. Yes, I joined him. Abandoned my friends in ACN, to attach myself to a leader.

For the next 2 years I did everything mark instructed me to. He is not easy. Some people even do not like him as a teacher. “He is too hard. We do not like that way of marketing.” All those people as the same. They are in denial, and not very successful.

Mark taught me from the ground up.

  1. DMP( Definite Major Purpose) Goal
  2. Accountability
  3. schedule ( how many real hours are you building your business)
  4. calls. 3-ways
  5. Skills: rapport builder,most people skill.
  6. Self development: MKMMA(26 week course for me, not the company).
  7. social media skills, blogging, online presence, and Youtube.

Mark now lives his dream in Hawaii. That was all he ever talked about. Although we are in a different company,we are still friends. More than that, I will never forget and pass on his legacy to others. Mark trains people across the world now, GO90Grow.  If you want to meet him go to http://worldslaziestnetworker.com/.

Today is Dec 2012. Here I am on the forefront of greatness, because of Mark. Thank you Mark. You are always my father to me. Love Henry.

Well this story is coming to and end, but not your career, nor mine. I have the vehicle to get me to my dreams,the knowledge and the fuel. Call me and I will give you the most people skill. This is the first skill that changed my path. If you really want a change your path ask me to mentor you. It would be an honor to pass on a legacy…

Henry Vigeant

Henry Vigeant

Top Networkers Use the Skills Taught on Think and Grow Rich

Top Networkers Use the Skills Taught on Think and Grow Rich

by  | on February 3, 2013

Free Book Think and grow Rich

Free Book Think and grow Rich

We Leaders at 90 Day Power Blitz are offering top training platform. Secrets that have been handed down from Top Earners to students for decades. But now we have the social media secrets and lead generation secrets as well. Please take the free Think and Grow Rich Book as a gift. We are holding a class on how to apply this book to your daily life.

Think And Grow Rich is arguably the most famous success book of all time.

It has changed the lives of millions of people through the years.

And it contains the money-making secrets that can change your life too if you use them.

Inspired by Andrew Carnegie’s magic formula for success, this book will teach you the secrets that will bring you a fortune.

It will show you not only what to do but how to do it.

Once you learn and apply the simple, basic techniques revealed here, you will have mastered the secret of true and lasting success.

And you may have whatever you want in life.

Born into poverty in 1883, the author Napoleon Hill rose to become one of the world’s most distinguished and respected authors.

He moved from newspaper reporter to law student to working for Andrew Carnegie, and became a confidant and advisor to businessmen and presidents.

Hill has counted among his many associates Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and hundreds of other world leaders.

The book is acknowledged to have been inspired by the writings of Charles F Haanel, who’s most influential work was The Master Key System.

90 Day Power Blitz: How to Become a 5 figure a Month Earner in 90 Days.

90 Day Power Blitz: How to Become a 5 figure a Month Earner in 90 Days.

by  | on February 7, 2013

Are you sick and tired of watching everyone else make money in MLM? Learn how to make a 5 figure a month income with a no risk , no investment opportunity.

90 Day Power Blitz ,90 Day Power Blitz

90 Day Power Blitz


This is Henry Vigeant. We at 90 Day Power Blitz are a group of leaders committed to show you how to actually become successful in a home based business. Our Panel of speakers have several years of online and offline experience.

On our Facebook page we will have daily Google Hang outs to observe the latest techniques to build a business. The latest tools, and personal develop.

Where can you go and really see how it is done?

Do you Have questions on why can’t I be a top earner?

It is not your fault!

Let me tell you a little story. Two people come in the same company at the same time, a with same sponsor. Why is it that one may be earning big checks and the other is spinning his wheels. It has to do with skills. Did you go to network marketing college? Well guess what? It can be free. Just join 90 Day Power Blitz  and learn.

Maine Has High Energy Cost. Can Maine Residents Lower Electric Bills Soon?

by  | on February 16, 2013

Here is a controversial topic. For ten years Maine has been trying to be deregulated. Why is this difficult? Maine has one of the highest electric bills in the nation.

Maine Energy News

Maine Energy News

We According to Steve Ward, Maine Public Advocate,” Nuclear energy is not an option in the near future.”
Deregulation gives the hope of lots of choices. As for Maine Energy deregulation this has only been true for big industrial markets. Maine Residents pay an average of 30% higher energy cost than the rest of the Nation. Energy is not equal nationally and never will be.

Why? Maine lacks natural energy resources. North Dakota has wind. Washington state has hydro power. New England Regional Rate is suppose to level off the energy rates. Mostly the use of Natural gas, which makes up 40% of the fuel used. So the electrical cost will vary on the cost of Natural gas.

If you are a Maine energy consumer you may be glad you now have a new choice. In the second Quarter of 2013 this may all change for Maine. North American Power is now licensed to do business in the state of Maine. This will be the 11th state open for the #57 Most Prospering Company (Forbes).  Already saving 225,000 customers money on there bill, while introducing Green energy. Also note that North American Power as unlimited credit line with British Petroleum for natural gas. So savings should be very good. Feel good about those savings when you know your state with reducing green house gases by using a  renewable energy.

New Hampshire residents are now saving 2.3 cents per KWH and customers are leaving PSNH by the thousands.

Here is the WNBC report for New York’s Con Edison customer choosing North American Power.

For More information on how to lower your bill or get employment through North American Power call Henry Vigeant 1-603-740-0077

Check your rates at http://powerbygreenenergy.com

Breaking Energy News: NRG Energy pulls plug on Independence Energy Alliance

Breaking Energy News: NRG Energy pulls plug on Independence Energy Alliance

by | on January 16, 2013

NRG Breaking Energy News: NRG Energy to Scale down Independence Energy Alliance MLM Activities First of all, this is a message to all independent

lower you Electic bill

lower you Electic bill

reps form IEA(Independence Energy Aliance).   North American Power leaders are sorry for this to happen to you. It is hard when you put your heart and sole into a company and it disolves.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=RiqVkrKKNj8

Press Release NRG

Copyright 2010-13 EnergyChoiceMatters.com Reporting by Paul Ring • ring@energychoicematters.com

NRG Energy has decided to scale down the marketing efforts of Independence Energy, its multi-level marketing-focused retail supplier, and will cease enrolling new associates and customers through the Independence Energy channel.

NRG is always assessing its marketing channels and has decided that owning a multi-level marketing channel is not central to its retail strategy, said David Knox, a spokesperson for NRG.

Specifically, no new enrollments or recruitment of customers or sales associates will be permitted or accepted by Independence Energy as of February 15, 2013.

Current customers will be unaffected by the change in strategy. Independence Energy will continue to serve its existing customers with “first rate service,” said Knox.

Existing Independence Energy associates will continue to receive residuals from their previously enrolled customers. Knox said that NRG appreciates the work and effort of the Independence Energy associates to build the channel.

On behave of Tene Williams And Henry Vigeant offer any learder or rep a strong Energy Business, North American Power. We have just launch or automated online marketing system last night for you to explode. Tene and I Partnered up with Bob Doran and Kevin Marino. We bring Internet marketing to the next level.

North American Power is a clean energy company providing electricty and clean gas to 23 markets. Expanding in New England now. NH is Live. MA,ME, and RI are opening in 2 months. View more news on my our website.

Again, I am sorry you are going through this. You can look back at this challenge a year from now with a great future with NAP. Henry Vigeant JOIN New England Power team: We are offering a unique online approach to energy. These great tools to grow and earn with North American Power.

  1. Our Team offers you your own personal, state of the art capture pages with auto responder.
  2. Craigslist recruiting systems.  (get 10 to 30 leads per week)
  3. blogging to get ranked on top of google top search in your state,niche
  4. SEO training to maximize Youtube and Google searches(channel trynorthamerican)
  5. Lead Net Pro Auto dialer for just admin cost.
  6. Facebook rcruiting
  7. Go90grow for leaders
  8. dozens of free training taught by my mentor Mark J.

Call today and get information with New England Power Team.

Henry Vigeant 603-740-0077

How to Add a Custom Facebook Profile Badge in 10 minutes.

How to Add a Custom Facebook Profile Badge in 10 minutes.

by | on January 13, 2013


Facebook profile picture without badge

Facebook Marketing is sometimes tricky. Do you want to stand out from the crowd? I am here today to give you a hand. Not only will I show you how to put a picture badge, but customize it.I use this tool to brand myself and business. Every time I post or comment people see my business without the Spam. Facebook is always changing. You need to stay ahead of your fellow friends to stand out of the crowd. This is a great tool for businesses. As you look at my Badge, I am proactive in my North American Power business. Each of my 2400 friends can see what I am doing and I do not have to Spam them. Nobody likes Spam:

Send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet
  1. download
  2. click create a picbadge
  3. pick a template
  • color
  • image
  • text

Then Publish!!! I is a fun project, and takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Contact me if you need help.

Facebook Picture badgeHere is my North American Power Picture Badge.

Facebook Picture badge Here is my North American Power Picture Badge.