The Key to growth in MLM: Find a Mentor like Mark Janusewski, Learn critical skills, and follow them closely..

The Key to growth in MLM: Find a Mentor like Mark Janusewski, Learn critical skills, and follow them closely..

by  | on December 30, 2012

I am going back in time to Hampton NH. In 1997. I was currently employed as seafood warehouse manager. My old friend Rich invited me to come to a business meeting at his home. If my memory recounts me, a bit disorganized.  The company was Market America. I saw a nutritional company with a flagship weight lose product. My mind instantly went into selling mode. That is everyone’s nature. “this is too easy, my friends and I thought.”

Well we all know what came next right?   Failure!! We thought 3 uneducated guys from Salisbury beach could change our destiny from mastering a flip chart, showing the plan to other reps  and going door to door… As I look back it was  ludicrous. Guess what happened next? Well, we duplicated wrong, waited for others to do it, and never received proper training. We started making excuses, blaming the company, and then  turning blame on each other. We can chalk that one up as Failure number 1, loss of $1000. I want everyone to under stand Market America did not fail me. The one thing that got out of that was a friendship from a real winner, Logo.

Mark Janusewski

Mark Janusewski

Mark was the top trainer in that company of 80k reps. Did I follow his advice? No!!! I was young, stupid and naive . But I never forgot him as a leader….

Let us fast forward 1o years. The same two friends approached  me about a new concept business. Does this sound familiar? Lol. Guess what happens next?  You got that right. lose of more friends. another $1000 and time. Although ACNwas another good company, I blamed them and moved on. While still in the company, I asked Randy,”do you know Mark Januszewski and his contact information?” Of course he said no.. He knew I was going to leave the company.

That was it. My burning desire to succeed was back. I had to find him. After digging around I found him. We sat in a  Dunkin Donuts. I knew the pitch was coming. He would never steer me away from what I have. Well he did folks. Mark uses years of training talking to your sub conscience mind. I found my had nodding yes the whole time. Yes, I joined him. Abandoned my friends in ACN, to attach myself to a leader.

For the next 2 years I did everything mark instructed me to. He is not easy. Some people even do not like him as a teacher. “He is too hard. We do not like that way of marketing.” All those people as the same. They are in denial, and not very successful.

Mark taught me from the ground up.

  1. DMP( Definite Major Purpose) Goal
  2. Accountability
  3. schedule ( how many real hours are you building your business)
  4. calls. 3-ways
  5. Skills: rapport builder,most people skill.
  6. Self development: MKMMA(26 week course for me, not the company).
  7. social media skills, blogging, online presence, and Youtube.

Mark now lives his dream in Hawaii. That was all he ever talked about. Although we are in a different company,we are still friends. More than that, I will never forget and pass on his legacy to others. Mark trains people across the world now, GO90Grow.  If you want to meet him go to

Today is Dec 2012. Here I am on the forefront of greatness, because of Mark. Thank you Mark. You are always my father to me. Love Henry.

Well this story is coming to and end, but not your career, nor mine. I have the vehicle to get me to my dreams,the knowledge and the fuel. Call me and I will give you the most people skill. This is the first skill that changed my path. If you really want a change your path ask me to mentor you. It would be an honor to pass on a legacy…

Henry Vigeant

Henry Vigeant