5 Leads a Day Calling Me with Push Button PowerLeads System

I have a good story.

There is 2 guys, both joined the same company. One guy has nobody to contact and talk to, so he surfs the internet with no results. In the mean time he ignores his family and work his business way too many hours with no results.cropped-14945_3661823642907_997846258_n.jpg

The other guy uses skills to build his business. With these skill most of the people he speaks with say yes to reviewing the information about his business.

he finds himself a top recruiter. He also uses so specialized tools. He stated off with Scrappers and auto dialer, such as Phone Broadcast club , then Lead net Pro.

Both of them were good systems but cost a great deal of time to use and cost to call was high.

Now he uses Push Button Power Leads.  The cost to get this system is $297. and he  gets 100 to 200 quailified leads per month calling him.

You can also earn $200 for every sale.

The reason I know this information is: That is me!

I always have leads coming in.

This system is so easy to set up. With in 24 hours the phone will be ringing.

The buzz is out and people are jumping on this.

Call me for more information.

Henry Vigeant 603-740-0077

90 Day Power Blitz: How to Become a 5 figure a Month Earner in 90 Days.

90 Day Power Blitz: How to Become a 5 figure a Month Earner in 90 Days.

by  | on February 7, 2013

Are you sick and tired of watching everyone else make money in MLM? Learn how to make a 5 figure a month income with a no risk , no investment opportunity.

90 Day Power Blitz ,90 Day Power Blitz

90 Day Power Blitz


This is Henry Vigeant. We at 90 Day Power Blitz are a group of leaders committed to show you how to actually become successful in a home based business. Our Panel of speakers have several years of online and offline experience.

On our Facebook page we will have daily Google Hang outs to observe the latest techniques to build a business. The latest tools, and personal develop.

Where can you go and really see how it is done?

Do you Have questions on why can’t I be a top earner?

It is not your fault!

Let me tell you a little story. Two people come in the same company at the same time, a with same sponsor. Why is it that one may be earning big checks and the other is spinning his wheels. It has to do with skills. Did you go to network marketing college? Well guess what? It can be free. Just join 90 Day Power Blitz  and learn.